Fortran toolkit
Borja Petit
subroutine brent(func,x,numiter,exitcode,x0,x1,itermax,tol,iprint)
external :: func ! user-supplied function
real(kind=8) , intent(out) :: x ! output: root
integer , intent(out) :: numiter ! output: number of functions evaluations
integer , intent(out) :: exitcode ! output: exit code
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: x0 ! input: lower-bound of x
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: x1 ! input: upper-bound of x
real(kind=8) , intent(in) , optional :: tol ! input: (optional) level of tolerance [default = 1.0d-8]
integer , intent(in) , optional :: itermax ! input: (optional) maximum function evaluations [default = 500]
integer , intent(in) , optional :: iprint ! input: (optional) control what's printed [default = 0]
Find the root of a single-valued univariate equation using the Brent’s method (more info here). The user must specify a function func
, and an two values of x
. If func
) and func
) have opposite signs the existence of a root is guaranteed (if not, the algorithm still runs). And if there are more than one root, the algorithm converges to one of them depending on the initial points.
The function func
must be of the form:
function func(x) result(f)
implicit none
real(kind=8) :: x,f
f = ... some function of x ...
end function func
Optionally, the user can also supply a level of tolerance (tol
) and maximum number of function evaluations (itermax
). Finally, the user can also control what it is printing during execution by setting the corresponding value of iprint
= 0: don’t print anything (default)iprint
= 1: print warningsiprint
= 2: print warnings and every iteration
The subroutine returns the value of x
that makes func
close enoughs to zero, the number of function evaluations (numiter
), and an indicator, exitcode
= 0: the algorithm found a rootexitcode
= 1: eitherx0
is a root offunc
= 2: the root is not within the interval (x0
= 3: the pointsx0
are too closeexitcode
= 9: maximum number of function evaluations reached
Dependencies: none
The following example finds the root of the function
\[f(x) = x^2 - 3.5 x - 5\]which has two roots at $x=-1.0895$ and $x=4.5895$.
program example
use toolkit , only : dp,brent
implicit none
real(dp) :: xvar
integer :: numiter
integer :: exitcode
write(*,*) 'find the root: initial points 0 and 15, with f(0)<0 and f(15)>0'
call brent(func,xvar,numiter,exitcode,0.0d0,15.0d0,iprint=2)
write(*,*) 'find the root: initial points 5 and 10, with f(5)>0 and f(10)>0'
call brent(func,xvar,numiter,exitcode,5.0d0,10.0d0,iprint=2)
function func(x) result(y)
implicit none
real(dp) :: x,y
y = x**2.0 - 3.5d0*x - 5.0d0
end function func
end program example
The output of this program is:
find the root: initial points 0 and 15, with f(0)<0 and f(15)>0
starting brent algorithm
Iteration = 4 | xs = 0.4348 | f(xs) = -6.3327
Iteration = 6 | xs = -1.5559 | f(xs) = 2.8668
Iteration = 8 | xs = -0.9356 | f(xs) = -0.8501
Iteration = 10 | xs = -1.0775 | f(xs) = -0.0679
Iteration = 12 | xs = -1.0895 | f(xs) = 0.0003
Iteration = 14 | xs = -1.0895 | f(xs) = -0.0000
Iteration = 16 | xs = -1.0895 | f(xs) = -0.0000
solved: a root is found
iter = 16
x = -1.0895
func = -0.0000
find the root: initial points 5 and 10, with f(5)>0 and f(10)>0
starting brent algorithm
root is not bracketed: existence is not guaranteed
Iteration = 4 | xs = 4.7826 | f(xs) = 1.1342
Iteration = 6 | xs = 4.6021 | f(xs) = 0.0718
Iteration = 8 | xs = 4.5899 | f(xs) = 0.0024
Iteration = 10 | xs = 4.5895 | f(xs) = 0.0000
Iteration = 12 | xs = 4.5895 | f(xs) = 0.0000
solved: a root is found
iter = 12
x = 4.5895
func = 0.0000