Foortran Toolkit

Fortran toolkit

Borja Petit


function grid(maxv,minv,n,s) result(v)
  implicit none
  real(kind=8)            :: v(n)  ! output: generated grid
  real(kind=8)            :: maxv  ! input: upper-bound of x
  real(kind=8)            :: minv  ! input: lower-bound of x
  integer                 :: n     ! input: number of points in the grid
  real(kind=8) , optional :: s     ! input: (optional) curvatura parameter 

This function creates a grid of n points between maxv and maxv with a curvature of s:

Dependencies: error

(back to index)


! create a linear grid with 100 points between 0 and 10
vector = grid( 10.d0 , 0.0d0 , 100 )  

! create a quadratic grid with 500 points between -1 and 1
vector = grid( 1.d0 , -1.0d0 , 500 , 2.0d0 )