Foortran Toolkit

Fortran toolkit

Borja Petit


function vec(mat) result(vec)
  implicit none
  real(kind=8)  :: mat(:,:,...,:)
  real(kind=8)  :: vec(:)

This function returns a 1-dimensional array vec with all the elements of a user-supplied n-dimensional array mat, where n$\leq5$.

Dependencies: none

Note: vect is an interface that calls specific functions depending on the type of mat (integer or real) and depending on the dimensions of mat. The specific functions are:

(back to index)


mat(:,1) = (/ 1 , 2 /)
mat(:,2) = (/ 3 , 4 /)

vec = vect(mat)

print * , 'vec =', vec   ! vec =  1.00  3.00  2.00  4.00