Borja Petit
Assistant Professor in Economics, CUNEF Universidad
Borja Petit Borja Petit
I received my Ph.D. in Economics from CEMFI in July 2019, working under the supervision of Profs. Nezih Guner and Josep Pijoan-Mas. In September 2020, I joined the Department of Economics at CUNEF Universidad.
I'm a quantitative macroeconomist with research interests in the fields of intergenerational mobility, income/wealth inequality, family economics, and aggregate productivity.
Curriculum vitae: download  
bpetit [at]   Github   Google Scholar  


Aggregate effects of firing costs with endogenous firm productivity growth.
Macroeconomic Dynamics, Volume 27, Issue 4, June 2023, 945–965.
Abstract  Working paper  Slides  Codes  Published article
Flattening of the Phillips curve with state-dependent prices and wages.
w/ James Costain and Anton Nakov.
The Economic Journal, Volume 132, No. 642, February 2022, 546-581.
Abstract  Working paper  Slides  Codes  Published article

Working papers & work in progress

Intergenerational persistence in welfare program participation.
w/ Javier López Segovia.
Abstract  Working paper  Slides  Codes
Size-dependent regulations in Spain.
w/ Miguel Almunia, Juan F. Jimeno and David López-Rodriguez.
Abstract  Working paper  Slides  Codes
Intergenerational effects of child-related tax benefits in the US.
Abstract  Working paper  Slides  Codes


Courses taught at CUNEF Universidad (undergraduate courses):
Courses taught at CEMFI (graduate courses):

Policy work

External consultant at AIReF (2022)
Project: Evaluation of the Spanish Minimum Income Scheme (Ingreso Mínimo Vital).
Analyst at AIReF (09/2019 – 08/2020)
Project: Evaluation of tax benefits in Spanish income taxes.